The Doctors with M.E. Board of Governance is responsible for the overall strategy, delivery and administration of the organisation.
Dr. K.N. Hng
ST7 General Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology (Ret)
Author of ‘Doctor with M.E.: My journey with “Chronic Fatigue
Dr. Nina Muirhead
Dermatology Surgeon, Chair of CFS/ME Research Collaborative Medical Education Working Group, Forward ME representative, Expert Witness, UK National Institute of Health and Care Excellence.
Dr. Keith Geraghty
Honorary Research Fellow, Centre for Primary Care and Health Services Research, Faculty of Biology Medicine and Health, University of Manchester, Co-lead, NICE GDG commissioned Severe ME Research Group
Dr. Richard Ramyar
Chair and Strategy Advisor
Strategy, Policy and Compliance Consultant, Financial Economist, Technologist and Visiting Scholar at the London Institute of Banking and Finance