2021 Compliance News NICE 2021 Opinion Policy Positions Press Releases

NICE 2021: A Triumph of Science over Discrimination

Doctors with M.E. stands ready to work with partners and organisations to bring medical education up-to-date and assist in developing the right services for ME/CFS patients. “The new guideline represents a positive and total paradigm change, uniting around the science, official disease classification and medico-legal compliance implications.” “This translation of scientific knowledge into clinical practice…Continue readingNICE 2021: A Triumph of Science over Discrimination

2021 Compliance News NICE 2021 Policy Positions Press Releases

Public Letter to DHSC, MHRA, HoC, NICE: Call for a ‘Medical Regulatory Agency’

A call for change in the face of long-standing regulatory failure The following public communication from our Governance Board regards the opportunity for a new “Medical Regulatory Agency”, ready for the post-brexit and the machine learning digital eras.  The letter also contains background pertaining to long-standing regulatory failure, unlawful medical norms, contra-scientific medical belief systems and…Continue readingPublic Letter to DHSC, MHRA, HoC, NICE: Call for a ‘Medical Regulatory Agency’

News Press Releases

Announcing our Committees and Working Groups

Today we announce the Doctors with M.E. Committees and Working Groups structures. These allow our Registrants to participate on ongoing or ad hoc bases, driven by their interests and events. Compliance, legal, policy and practice management professionals are fundamental to driving change. We have thus introduced Compliance and Policy Affiliate registration status, to ensure that all…Continue readingAnnouncing our Committees and Working Groups

2021 Compliance News NICE 2021 Opinion Policy Positions Press Releases

Rapid Response and Expert Comment: NICE Guideline Delay and Accommodation of Unlawfulness

We are very disappointed to hear of the ‘pause’ in publication of the NICE ME/CFS Guideline, already delayed in April. Following the hard work of the Guideline Development Group, we received news of the further delay of guideline publication with both dismay and profound concern for practitioners, their organisations and patients. Continued delay or deviation…Continue readingRapid Response and Expert Comment: NICE Guideline Delay and Accommodation of Unlawfulness


Expertise procurement risk and reputational risk – medical and legal

Care should be taken to reassess existing expertise sources in the field of post-viral disease and to distinguish between 1) the marketability or familiarity of expertise versus 2) disproportionate risk of divergence from legally sustainable standards. It is rare for institutionalised medical norms to exclude scientific consensus to the degree witnessed in this field. This…Continue readingExpertise procurement risk and reputational risk – medical and legal


Jurisdictions and markets (UK and international)

Although the jurisdictional focus is the United Kingdom, direct equivalence can be found in other jurisdictions and markets. The policy, contractual and legal requirements on medical practice and indemnification provision follow a similar structure in most locales: neither official edict, professional body, private contract, the habitual nature of unlawful care nor eminently misinformed obfuscation can…Continue readingJurisdictions and markets (UK and international)


Obligation to not negate ME/CFS legal status

The absolute clarity of the legal status of ME/CFS is of immediate risk management importance, due its statutory, policy and third-party contractual implications frequently being ignored. These stem from habitually unlawful clinical judgement and arbitrarily discriminative administrative treatment that fail to account for the clarity of classification and associated lawful obligations. The absolute clarity of…Continue readingObligation to not negate ME/CFS legal status


Unlawful clinical judgement (flu and covid vaccination examples)

The law does not allow clinical judgement to be discriminatory or to breach duties of care – a normally uncontroversial statement with an unusual degree of unmanaged consequences for this field of disease. The law does not allow clinical judgement to be discriminatory or to breach duties of care – a normally uncontroversial statement with…Continue readingUnlawful clinical judgement (flu and covid vaccination examples)


Tests of clinical judgement lawfulness

Informed by the scientific, statutory and policy contexts outlined above, the following simple tests of clinical judgement lawfulness further outline lawful policy implementation requirements, mitigating the elevated probability of normalised unlawful clinical judgement in this context. Contrary conclusions constitute unlawful discriminatory implementation of policy, an arbitrary evasion of clear wording, thus discriminating on the very…Continue readingTests of clinical judgement lawfulness


Knowledge-gap risk and audit trails (examples plus research-market inefficiencies)

Liability-generation from elevated probability of unlawful clinical and administrative judgement does not only stem from practitioners’ incorrect beliefs regarding disease aetiology (causes) and pathology (symptoms). Practitioners also generate further excess risk from their knowledge gap versus formal ME/CFS and related diagnostic criteria, which offer 1) rigour and ease of diagnosis and 2) risky diagnostic audit…Continue readingKnowledge-gap risk and audit trails (examples plus research-market inefficiencies)