2022 Education Patient Perspective

What does good practice look like? Patients chip in

When faced with a life changing, devastating chronic illness with no cure in a young person, doctors often don’t know what to do. Doctors with M.E. has produced guidance for GPs, but what do patients want? We asked patients to share examples of when doctors got it right. It is heartening to read this collection…Continue readingWhat does good practice look like? Patients chip in

2021 Compliance News NICE 2021 Policy Positions Press Releases

Public Letter to DHSC, MHRA, HoC, NICE: Call for a ‘Medical Regulatory Agency’

A call for change in the face of long-standing regulatory failure The following public communication from our Governance Board regards the opportunity for a new “Medical Regulatory Agency”, ready for the post-brexit and the machine learning digital eras.  The letter also contains background pertaining to long-standing regulatory failure, unlawful medical norms, contra-scientific medical belief systems and…Continue readingPublic Letter to DHSC, MHRA, HoC, NICE: Call for a ‘Medical Regulatory Agency’


Third party risk to preceding unlawful clinical judgement (therapeutic and assessment examples)

The spectrum of behaviour discussed in this document frequently leads to hazardous distortions that compound risks from unlawful decision-making yet further. These distortions inherently project chains of risk to third parties, who are incentivised to firewall liabilities at the origin in your organisation. Distortions from unlawful decision-making project chains of risks to third parties, who…Continue readingThird party risk to preceding unlawful clinical judgement (therapeutic and assessment examples)


Obligation to recognise ME/CFS patient housebound or carer status

House bound status Not accounting for the housebound or bed bound status of a patient when determining treatment or eligibility of a patient can add to or substantiate claims of liability, for resultant harm and financial loss, and/or for discrimination claims. It is extremely common that practitioners / their practices fall foul of these obligations,…Continue readingObligation to recognise ME/CFS patient housebound or carer status

News Press Releases

Doctors with M.E. driving advancement in frontline care

“England’s largest GP super partnership, the Modality Partnership, places itself at the forefront of postviral disease management and care” This is a Doctors with M.E. news announcement of developments within Modality of public health importance and not a joint release with Modality England’s largest GP super partnership, the Modality Partnership, with nearly half a million…Continue readingDoctors with M.E. driving advancement in frontline care