Compliance NICE 2021 Policy Positions

Normalised Medical Rule Breaking and the UK DHSC ME/CFS Review

Replacing Working Group Glass Ceilings with Enforceable Minimal Standards (clickable video chapters below and on YouTube site) Further to our recent statement regarding major UK announcements, the above presentation provides the solution to concerns about new DHSC ME/CFS Delivery Planning mechanisms and final implementation. Current glass ceilings will limit success of this new process and…Continue readingNormalised Medical Rule Breaking and the UK DHSC ME/CFS Review

2021 Compliance News NICE 2021 Opinion Policy Positions Press Releases

Rapid Response and Expert Comment: NICE Guideline Delay and Accommodation of Unlawfulness

We are very disappointed to hear of the ‘pause’ in publication of the NICE ME/CFS Guideline, already delayed in April. Following the hard work of the Guideline Development Group, we received news of the further delay of guideline publication with both dismay and profound concern for practitioners, their organisations and patients. Continued delay or deviation…Continue readingRapid Response and Expert Comment: NICE Guideline Delay and Accommodation of Unlawfulness


Obligation to not negate ME/CFS legal status

The absolute clarity of the legal status of ME/CFS is of immediate risk management importance, due its statutory, policy and third-party contractual implications frequently being ignored. These stem from habitually unlawful clinical judgement and arbitrarily discriminative administrative treatment that fail to account for the clarity of classification and associated lawful obligations. The absolute clarity of…Continue readingObligation to not negate ME/CFS legal status


Compliance, medico-legal considerations and enforceable obligations

Unmanaged post-viral disease liability, risk exposure and rising pandemic exposure (draft) Compliance obligations for professionals, operational and expertise risks in practice management, social care, occupational health intermediation, insurance underwriting, claims management and reinsurance Summary The role of habitualised unlawful clinical judgement and discrimination that leads to elevated probability of evidentiable malpractice is outlined. Obligations and…Continue readingCompliance, medico-legal considerations and enforceable obligations


Illusion of legal authority vs medical law enforcement

Risk management practice in the field ME/CFS and related post-viral disease commonly introduces unmanaged risks and liabilities, due to widespread normalisation of unlawful clinical judgement and prejudicially low standards. This inherently manifests as unlawful suspension of compliance and legal norms. This implies practical disregard for medical law’s status as a field of law, not medicine.…Continue readingIllusion of legal authority vs medical law enforcement


Third party risk to preceding unlawful clinical judgement (therapeutic and assessment examples)

The spectrum of behaviour discussed in this document frequently leads to hazardous distortions that compound risks from unlawful decision-making yet further. These distortions inherently project chains of risk to third parties, who are incentivised to firewall liabilities at the origin in your organisation. Distortions from unlawful decision-making project chains of risks to third parties, who…Continue readingThird party risk to preceding unlawful clinical judgement (therapeutic and assessment examples)


Freedom of Information Act risks – flawed clinical judgement, discrimination and education refusal

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 affords patients, litigants and the scientific community several routes to highlight policy, reveal shortcomings and to enforce lawful clinical and administrative decision-making. It must be noted that the low and/or prejudicial standards of communication and record keeping that are often normalised in this professional field (link) can be revealed…Continue readingFreedom of Information Act risks – flawed clinical judgement, discrimination and education refusal


Knowledge-gap risk and audit trails (examples plus research-market inefficiencies)

Liability-generation from elevated probability of unlawful clinical and administrative judgement does not only stem from practitioners’ incorrect beliefs regarding disease aetiology (causes) and pathology (symptoms). Practitioners also generate further excess risk from their knowledge gap versus formal ME/CFS and related diagnostic criteria, which offer 1) rigour and ease of diagnosis and 2) risky diagnostic audit…Continue readingKnowledge-gap risk and audit trails (examples plus research-market inefficiencies)


Obligation to not mislead or evade diagnosis and to provide sufficient detail (FND, MUS, PPS, ‘dysregulation model’ and Long Covid examples)

Risk generation and unnecessary liability accumulation is commonly exacerbated by low and/or prejudicial standards of communication and/or record keeping in ME/CFS and other post-viral disease contexts. False record taking is commonly experienced in this field. Beyond the statutory contexts, the frequent frontline status quo regularly breaches a range of associated General Medical Council (GMC) and…Continue readingObligation to not mislead or evade diagnosis and to provide sufficient detail (FND, MUS, PPS, ‘dysregulation model’ and Long Covid examples)


Compromised indemnification, insurance cover nullification and liability for lost income

It is of acute risk management importance to note that any officialised obfuscation or encouragement of unlawful outcomes is not accompanied by implicit indemnification for discrimination, breaches of duties of care or other improper acts. This is in addition to reputational risk and accompanying freedom of information risk. Moreoever, lack/incompleteness of central NHS indemnification in…Continue readingCompromised indemnification, insurance cover nullification and liability for lost income