Education Learning Resources and CPD ME/CFS Guidelines News

La guía NICE EM/SFC aplicada a la práctica en atención primaria

Traducido por / Translated by Dr. Esther GarcésDoctors with M.E. Associate, Family Physician and RadiologistMédico especialista en Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria y Médico especialista en Radiodiagnóstico Contenido Descripción General La Encefalomielitis Miálgica (EM) —también conocida como Síndrome de Fatiga Crónica (SFC)— es una enfermedad orgánica crónica, compleja y multisistémica con consecuencias, a menudo, devastadoras. Se…Continue readingLa guía NICE EM/SFC aplicada a la práctica en atención primaria

Education Learning Resources and CPD ME/CFS Guidelines News

Dari garis panduan kepada praktikal: Implikasi NICE ME/CFS buat doktor-doktor pakar perubatan keluarga (GP)

Sumber asal diterbitkan dalam Bahasa Inggeris pada 15/1/2022. Diterjemahkan oleh / Translated byDr Hannah Nazri MBChB, BSc (Hons), MSc (Oxon)Doctors with M.E. Associate, clinician scientist, entrepreneur, and women’s rights & education advocate.Instagram | Twitter | LinkedIn | Blog Kandungan Gambaran keseluruhan Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), juga dikenali sebagai Sindrom Kelesuan Kronik (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – CFS),…Continue readingDari garis panduan kepada praktikal: Implikasi NICE ME/CFS buat doktor-doktor pakar perubatan keluarga (GP)

Education Learning Resources and CPD ME/CFS Guidelines News

Mise en pratique : Ce que l’EM/SFC signifie pour les médecins généralistes, selon les préconisations du NICE

Publié initialement en anglais le 15/01/2022. Veuillez nous excuser, nous sommes conscients qu’il y a un problème de ponctuation. Nous faisons notre maximum pour le résoudre au plus vite. Traduit par Millions Missing France Contenu Vue d’ensemble L’encéphalomyélite myalgique (EM), également connue sous le nom de syndrome de fatigue chronique (SFC), est une maladie biologique…Continue readingMise en pratique : Ce que l’EM/SFC signifie pour les médecins généralistes, selon les préconisations du NICE

2022 Compliance Education Learning Resources and CPD ME/CFS Guidelines News NICE 2021

Putting it into Practice: What NICE ME/CFS means for GPs

Contents Overview Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), also known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), is a chronic, complex, multi-system biological illness with often devastating consequences. It affects all age groups including children and all social classes. About 75% of sufferers are female. It has a worse quality of life score than many other serious illnesses including cancer,…Continue readingPutting it into Practice: What NICE ME/CFS means for GPs

2021 Compliance News NICE 2021 Policy Positions Press Releases

Public Letter to DHSC, MHRA, HoC, NICE: Call for a ‘Medical Regulatory Agency’

A call for change in the face of long-standing regulatory failure The following public communication from our Governance Board regards the opportunity for a new “Medical Regulatory Agency”, ready for the post-brexit and the machine learning digital eras.  The letter also contains background pertaining to long-standing regulatory failure, unlawful medical norms, contra-scientific medical belief systems and…Continue readingPublic Letter to DHSC, MHRA, HoC, NICE: Call for a ‘Medical Regulatory Agency’


Obligation to not abuse power and authority

It is common that patients with ME/CFS must repeatedly pursue enforcement action of their pre-existing rights under statutes, policy and common law. It also known that successful enforcement of pre-existing rights can be followed by retributory abuse of power and authority. It is known that flagrantly retributory liability generation can include punishing qualified professionals who…Continue readingObligation to not abuse power and authority


Expertise procurement risk and reputational risk – medical and legal

Care should be taken to reassess existing expertise sources in the field of post-viral disease and to distinguish between 1) the marketability or familiarity of expertise versus 2) disproportionate risk of divergence from legally sustainable standards. It is rare for institutionalised medical norms to exclude scientific consensus to the degree witnessed in this field. This…Continue readingExpertise procurement risk and reputational risk – medical and legal


Obligation to not negate ME/CFS legal status

The absolute clarity of the legal status of ME/CFS is of immediate risk management importance, due its statutory, policy and third-party contractual implications frequently being ignored. These stem from habitually unlawful clinical judgement and arbitrarily discriminative administrative treatment that fail to account for the clarity of classification and associated lawful obligations. The absolute clarity of…Continue readingObligation to not negate ME/CFS legal status


Unlawful clinical judgement (flu and covid vaccination examples)

The law does not allow clinical judgement to be discriminatory or to breach duties of care – a normally uncontroversial statement with an unusual degree of unmanaged consequences for this field of disease. The law does not allow clinical judgement to be discriminatory or to breach duties of care – a normally uncontroversial statement with…Continue readingUnlawful clinical judgement (flu and covid vaccination examples)


Obligation to not mislead or evade diagnosis and to provide sufficient detail (FND, MUS, PPS, ‘dysregulation model’ and Long Covid examples)

Risk generation and unnecessary liability accumulation is commonly exacerbated by low and/or prejudicial standards of communication and/or record keeping in ME/CFS and other post-viral disease contexts. False record taking is commonly experienced in this field. Beyond the statutory contexts, the frequent frontline status quo regularly breaches a range of associated General Medical Council (GMC) and…Continue readingObligation to not mislead or evade diagnosis and to provide sufficient detail (FND, MUS, PPS, ‘dysregulation model’ and Long Covid examples)