Education Learning Resources and CPD ME/CFS Guidelines News

Dari garis panduan kepada praktikal: Implikasi NICE ME/CFS buat doktor-doktor pakar perubatan keluarga (GP)

Sumber asal diterbitkan dalam Bahasa Inggeris pada 15/1/2022. Diterjemahkan oleh / Translated byDr Hannah Nazri MBChB, BSc (Hons), MSc (Oxon)Doctors with M.E. Associate, clinician scientist, entrepreneur, and women’s rights & education advocate.Instagram | Twitter | LinkedIn | Blog Kandungan Gambaran keseluruhan Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), juga dikenali sebagai Sindrom Kelesuan Kronik (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – CFS),…Continue readingDari garis panduan kepada praktikal: Implikasi NICE ME/CFS buat doktor-doktor pakar perubatan keluarga (GP)

Education News

Facilitators to better ME Care

It is widely acknowledged that barriers to good care for ME/CFS patients exist due to the lack of biomarker, disease specific treatments and poor medical education about this disease. There is also inherent cultural bias against invisible illness and illnesses affecting predominantly women.  We sought the opinions of 656 volunteers who took the time and…Continue readingFacilitators to better ME Care

2021 News

BBC Radio 4: Doctors with M.E. feature on flagship Woman’s Hour

ME, Long Covid and the NICE Guideline 2021 Delay Doctors with M.E. Director, Dr. Nina Muirhead, and Doctors with M.E Honorary Fellow and Action for ME Medical Advisor, Dr. David Strain, discuss ME/CFS, Long Covid, the NICE guideline delay and the need for more education and resources in an interview on BBC Radio 4 Woman’s…Continue readingBBC Radio 4: Doctors with M.E. feature on flagship Woman’s Hour