Compliance NICE 2021 Policy Positions

Normalised Medical Rule Breaking and the UK DHSC ME/CFS Review

Replacing Working Group Glass Ceilings with Enforceable Minimal Standards (clickable video chapters below and on YouTube site) Further to our recent statement regarding major UK announcements, the above presentation provides the solution to concerns about new DHSC ME/CFS Delivery Planning mechanisms and final implementation. Current glass ceilings will limit success of this new process and…Continue readingNormalised Medical Rule Breaking and the UK DHSC ME/CFS Review

2022 Books Education Patient Perspective

Getting compliant with NICE guideline – the patient experience requirement

Section 1.16 of the NICE ME/CFS Guideline requires that health and social care providers ensure that all staff delivering care to people with ME/CFS have an understanding of the patient experience. Doctors with M.E. asked the CFS/ME Research Collaborative Patient Advisory Group (CMRC PAG) what patients make of the new NICE guideline. They shared the…Continue readingGetting compliant with NICE guideline – the patient experience requirement

Education Learning Resources and CPD ME/CFS Guidelines News

Dari garis panduan kepada praktikal: Implikasi NICE ME/CFS buat doktor-doktor pakar perubatan keluarga (GP)

Sumber asal diterbitkan dalam Bahasa Inggeris pada 15/1/2022. Diterjemahkan oleh / Translated byDr Hannah Nazri MBChB, BSc (Hons), MSc (Oxon)Doctors with M.E. Associate, clinician scientist, entrepreneur, and women’s rights & education advocate.Instagram | Twitter | LinkedIn | Blog Kandungan Gambaran keseluruhan Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), juga dikenali sebagai Sindrom Kelesuan Kronik (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – CFS),…Continue readingDari garis panduan kepada praktikal: Implikasi NICE ME/CFS buat doktor-doktor pakar perubatan keluarga (GP)

2021 Compliance News NICE 2021 Opinion Policy Positions Press Releases

NICE 2021: A Triumph of Science over Discrimination

Doctors with M.E. stands ready to work with partners and organisations to bring medical education up-to-date and assist in developing the right services for ME/CFS patients. “The new guideline represents a positive and total paradigm change, uniting around the science, official disease classification and medico-legal compliance implications.” “This translation of scientific knowledge into clinical practice…Continue readingNICE 2021: A Triumph of Science over Discrimination

2021 Compliance News NICE 2021 Opinion Policy Positions Press Releases

The NICE debacle – will NICE survive?

The current NICE debacle and extraordinary deviation from normal procedure and published protocol is further evidence of institutionalised discrimination by large sections of the UK medical establishment.  That one professional and patient group should be treated in a manner at odds with clear and growing scientific knowledge would be unacceptable in any other disease.  Yet…Continue readingThe NICE debacle – will NICE survive?

2021 Compliance News NICE 2021 Policy Positions Press Releases

Public Letter to DHSC, MHRA, HoC, NICE: Call for a ‘Medical Regulatory Agency’

A call for change in the face of long-standing regulatory failure The following public communication from our Governance Board regards the opportunity for a new “Medical Regulatory Agency”, ready for the post-brexit and the machine learning digital eras.  The letter also contains background pertaining to long-standing regulatory failure, unlawful medical norms, contra-scientific medical belief systems and…Continue readingPublic Letter to DHSC, MHRA, HoC, NICE: Call for a ‘Medical Regulatory Agency’

News Press Releases

Announcing our Committees and Working Groups

Today we announce the Doctors with M.E. Committees and Working Groups structures. These allow our Registrants to participate on ongoing or ad hoc bases, driven by their interests and events. Compliance, legal, policy and practice management professionals are fundamental to driving change. We have thus introduced Compliance and Policy Affiliate registration status, to ensure that all…Continue readingAnnouncing our Committees and Working Groups

2021 Compliance News NICE 2021 Opinion Policy Positions Press Releases

Rapid Response and Expert Comment: NICE Guideline Delay and Accommodation of Unlawfulness

We are very disappointed to hear of the ‘pause’ in publication of the NICE ME/CFS Guideline, already delayed in April. Following the hard work of the Guideline Development Group, we received news of the further delay of guideline publication with both dismay and profound concern for practitioners, their organisations and patients. Continued delay or deviation…Continue readingRapid Response and Expert Comment: NICE Guideline Delay and Accommodation of Unlawfulness

Research Commentaries

Rethinking Care for ME/CFS Patients

Rethinking the Standard of Care for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome This recent report by Friedberg et al. critically examines research claiming that Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Graded Exercise Therapy (GET) are effective and safe treatments for ME/CFS. Analysis reveals unsubstantiated claims of recovery in non-blinded trials, which relied on subjective outcome measures, overly broad…Continue readingRethinking Care for ME/CFS Patients


Obligation to not abuse power and authority

It is common that patients with ME/CFS must repeatedly pursue enforcement action of their pre-existing rights under statutes, policy and common law. It also known that successful enforcement of pre-existing rights can be followed by retributory abuse of power and authority. It is known that flagrantly retributory liability generation can include punishing qualified professionals who…Continue readingObligation to not abuse power and authority