2021 Compliance News NICE 2021 Policy Positions Press Releases

Public Letter to DHSC, MHRA, HoC, NICE: Call for a ‘Medical Regulatory Agency’

A call for change in the face of long-standing regulatory failure The following public communication from our Governance Board regards the opportunity for a new “Medical Regulatory Agency”, ready for the post-brexit and the machine learning digital eras.  The letter also contains background pertaining to long-standing regulatory failure, unlawful medical norms, contra-scientific medical belief systems and…Continue readingPublic Letter to DHSC, MHRA, HoC, NICE: Call for a ‘Medical Regulatory Agency’


Knowledge-gap risk and audit trails (examples plus research-market inefficiencies)

Liability-generation from elevated probability of unlawful clinical and administrative judgement does not only stem from practitioners’ incorrect beliefs regarding disease aetiology (causes) and pathology (symptoms). Practitioners also generate further excess risk from their knowledge gap versus formal ME/CFS and related diagnostic criteria, which offer 1) rigour and ease of diagnosis and 2) risky diagnostic audit…Continue readingKnowledge-gap risk and audit trails (examples plus research-market inefficiencies)