
Expertise procurement risk and reputational risk – medical and legal

Care should be taken to reassess existing expertise sources in the field of post-viral disease and to distinguish between 1) the marketability or familiarity of expertise versus 2) disproportionate risk of divergence from legally sustainable standards. It is rare for institutionalised medical norms to exclude scientific consensus to the degree witnessed in this field. This…Continue readingExpertise procurement risk and reputational risk – medical and legal


Compliance, medico-legal considerations and enforceable obligations

Unmanaged post-viral disease liability, risk exposure and rising pandemic exposure (draft) Compliance obligations for professionals, operational and expertise risks in practice management, social care, occupational health intermediation, insurance underwriting, claims management and reinsurance Summary The role of habitualised unlawful clinical judgement and discrimination that leads to elevated probability of evidentiable malpractice is outlined. Obligations and…Continue readingCompliance, medico-legal considerations and enforceable obligations


Knowledge-gap risk and audit trails (examples plus research-market inefficiencies)

Liability-generation from elevated probability of unlawful clinical and administrative judgement does not only stem from practitioners’ incorrect beliefs regarding disease aetiology (causes) and pathology (symptoms). Practitioners also generate further excess risk from their knowledge gap versus formal ME/CFS and related diagnostic criteria, which offer 1) rigour and ease of diagnosis and 2) risky diagnostic audit…Continue readingKnowledge-gap risk and audit trails (examples plus research-market inefficiencies)