Research Commentaries

Predictors for Severe ME/CFS

Predictors for Developing Severe ME/CFS Following Mononucleosis New research, co-authored by Doctors with M.E. honorary fellow Professor Leonard Jason, attempts to identify why some patients develop severe ME/CFS following Infectious Mononucleosis (IM, Epstein Barr or Glandular Fever) by seeking out possible predisposing risk-factors. Additional gastrointestinal symptoms and abnormal immune markers prior to IM infection appear…Continue readingPredictors for Severe ME/CFS

Research Commentaries

Dysregulation of Energy Metabolism

Dysregulation of the Kennedy Pathway and Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Doctors with M.E. Honorary Fellows, Dr. Lucinda Bateman, Professor Anthony Komaroff and Professor Ian Lipkin continue investigations into ME with co-authorship of newly published research that gives further support to findings of altered metabolomic profiles in ME/CFS patients. The…Continue readingDysregulation of Energy Metabolism