Education Learning Resources and CPD News

Webinar Training Series: Myalgic Encephalomyelitis: “How the Paradigm has Shifted”

We are pleased to announce a brand new webinar series organised by partner organisation Hope 4 ME & Fibro Northern Ireland, in association with many respected organisations including Doctors with M.E., the Workwell Foundation and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Running now until 6th October 2021. Sign up for a weekly programme of education!

Webinar titles:

  • How the Paradigm has Shifted by Professor Brian Hughes
  • M.E. Post-exertional Symptom Exacerbation: Activity and rest by Professor Mark VanNess
  • Physiotherapy for M.E. by Dr. Michelle Bull
  • Myalgic Encephalomyelitis –When The Doctor Becomes The Patient by Dr. Nina Muirhead
  • Symptoms and Diagnosis of M.E. in Children by Dr Nigel Speight
  • Adults With Very Severe M.E. by Caroline Kingdon


Prof. Brian Hughes

Honorary Fellow

Professor of Psychology, Specialist, Evidence-Based Policy and Empiricism, National University of Ireland, Galway, Member, HSE (Ireland) National Working Group on ME, Science Advisory Board, DecodeME, Scientific Advisor, Hope 4 ME & Fibro Northern Ireland, Chair, Global Research Initiative, International Prader-Willi Syndrome Organisation

Caroline Kingdon

Honorary Fellow

Research Fellow, Centre for the Evaluation of Public Health Interventions, Faculty of Infectious and Tropical Diseases, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Lead, UK ME/CFS Biobank, CureME@LSHTM, Committee Member, NICE ME/CFS Guideline Development Committee, Registered Nurse

Dr. Nina Muirhead


Dermatology Surgeon, Chair of CFS/ME Research Collaborative Medical Education Working Group, Forward ME representative, Expert Witness, UK National Institute of Health and Care Excellence.

BA(Oxon), BMBCh(Oxon), MRCS, DOHNS, MEd, PGDipDerm

Dr. Nina Muirhead is a Dermatology Surgeon at the Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust and is a founding contributor to Doctors with M.E. Since becoming ill with M.E. in September 2016, she has done much to raise awareness of M.E., speaking and writing in various forums in the UK and abroad, including the Cambridge GP Society, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Royal College of Physicians and the British Medical Journal.

Dr. Muirhead is Chair of the CFS/ME Research Collaborative (CMRC) Medical Education Working Group and a member of the Forward ME group of UK ME charities. She is also author of the free ME/CFS online training module on Study PRN, which carries 1 CPD credit. Dr. Muirhead is active in research and education, and supervises several medical students on their projects on ME/CFS.

Dr. Nigel Speight

Honorary Fellow

Paediatric Physician, Co- Author, International Consensus Criteria, Co-Author, Pediatric Primer in Frontiers in Pediatrics, Advisor, 25% ME Group, Researcher