The “Purple Book” – a benchmark text for clinicians and practitioners
This guide, co-authored by Doctors with M.E. Honorary Fellow Dr. Charles Shepherd and Consultant Neurologist Dr. Abhijit Chaudhuri, provides a comprehensive review of research, diagnosis, symptoms, and all aspects of management regarding ME/CFS/PVFS. It is an essential evidenced-based summary for all health professionals and patients to learn more about this debilitating neurological disease and to keep up with medicine’s adoption of the scientific literature.
Regularly updated and available in Kindle and hard copy formats, the ME Association provides free hard copies of this guide to health professionals and medical students..
“Clinically, ME/CFS is a heterogenous, multifactorial and complex disorder that does not have a disease-specific biomarker. In these respects, it is very similar to neurological diseases such as migraine and multiple sclerosis.”
“A positive diagnosis of ME/CFS should be made on the basis of the characteristic clinical features that are almost always present – exercise-induced fatigue, post-exertional malaise/symptom exacerbation, cognitive dysfunction, orthostatic intolerance, on-going flu like symptoms and unrefreshed sleep – often in conjunction with other common symptoms.”
Chaudhuri and Shepherd
A free to read excerpt is available here (the current edition may have been updated since)

Dr. Charles Shepherd
Honorary Fellow
Honorary Medical Adviser to the UK ME Association, Frequent government advisor, Co-author, Leading ME Clinical Reference Book, Committee Member, NICE ME/CFS Guideline Development Committee