
Obligation to not mislead or evade diagnosis and to provide sufficient detail (FND, MUS, PPS, ‘dysregulation model’ and Long Covid examples)

Risk generation and unnecessary liability accumulation is commonly exacerbated by low and/or prejudicial standards of communication and/or record keeping in ME/CFS and other post-viral disease contexts. False record taking is commonly experienced in this field. Beyond the statutory contexts, the frequent frontline status quo regularly breaches a range of associated General Medical Council (GMC) and…Continue readingObligation to not mislead or evade diagnosis and to provide sufficient detail (FND, MUS, PPS, ‘dysregulation model’ and Long Covid examples)

2021 Compliance News NICE 2021 Policy Positions Press Releases

DwME joins call for NICE to maintain scientific process

Further to our position statement on the 2021 NICE guideline update, Doctors with M.E. has joined the call for NICE to ensure that unconsulted changes are not injected, as these would avoid scrutiny by the scientific community. DwME considers the 2021 NICE guideline to be a watershed moment in the history of ME/CFS medical care…Continue readingDwME joins call for NICE to maintain scientific process

News Policy Positions

Mass infection is not an option: we must do more to protect our young

Doctors with M.E. have signed a letter led by epidemiologist Dr. Deepti Gurdasani in The Lancet, warning of grave concerns and consequences from recent UK government announcements. In particular, Doctors with M.E. are extremely concerned regarding the known risks to children from long covid. This letter follows the John Snow Memorandum in The Lancet warning…Continue readingMass infection is not an option: we must do more to protect our young

News Opinion

Statement: Countess of Mar on Doctors with M.E.

In the 25 years that I have been working with people with ME the one wish that unites them all is that they should be listened to and believed. At last, the tide seems to be turning. Real money is being invested in biomedical research here in the UK and in the USA. This is…Continue readingStatement: Countess of Mar on Doctors with M.E.

2021 News NICE 2021 Policy Positions Press Releases

Position Statement: 2021 NICE Guideline Update

On the 10th of November 2020, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) published its draft updated guideline on the diagnosis and management of myalgic encephalomyelitis (or encephalopathy)/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). NICE has updated its 2007 recommendations on the use of psycho-behavioural treatments for ME/CFS, concluding that Graded Exercise Therapy (GET) should no…Continue readingPosition Statement: 2021 NICE Guideline Update