
Irrelevance of official edicts and officialised redistribution of liabilities to frontline balance sheets (vaccination and NICE guideline examples)

Neither obfuscation, incorrect pronouncement nor under-informed lack of clarity from governmental, regulatory/self-regulatory or other authorities can change the law, terminal frontline legal requirements nor resultant liability profiles. All decision-making is unavoidably limited by requirements of law, with the elevated likelihood of unlawful decision-making in this field similarly prejudicing top-down communication. The structural difference is only…Continue readingIrrelevance of official edicts and officialised redistribution of liabilities to frontline balance sheets (vaccination and NICE guideline examples)


Evaluating duties of care and unmanaged risk exposures

The numbers of people affected by ME/CFS are significant. There are roughly twice as many sufferers as either Crohn’s disease or Lupus, roughly one and half times as many sufferers as HIV/AIDS in the European Union, and similar numbers of sufferers as either multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease. The prevalence rates are significantly greater where…Continue readingEvaluating duties of care and unmanaged risk exposures


Compromised indemnification, insurance cover nullification and liability for lost income

It is of acute risk management importance to note that any officialised obfuscation or encouragement of unlawful outcomes is not accompanied by implicit indemnification for discrimination, breaches of duties of care or other improper acts. This is in addition to reputational risk and accompanying freedom of information risk. Moreoever, lack/incompleteness of central NHS indemnification in…Continue readingCompromised indemnification, insurance cover nullification and liability for lost income

News Policy Positions

Mass infection is not an option: we must do more to protect our young

Doctors with M.E. have signed a letter led by epidemiologist Dr. Deepti Gurdasani in The Lancet, warning of grave concerns and consequences from recent UK government announcements. In particular, Doctors with M.E. are extremely concerned regarding the known risks to children from long covid. This letter follows the John Snow Memorandum in The Lancet warning…Continue readingMass infection is not an option: we must do more to protect our young

News Press Releases

Doctors with M.E. driving advancement in frontline care

“England’s largest GP super partnership, the Modality Partnership, places itself at the forefront of postviral disease management and care” This is a Doctors with M.E. news announcement of developments within Modality of public health importance and not a joint release with Modality England’s largest GP super partnership, the Modality Partnership, with nearly half a million…Continue readingDoctors with M.E. driving advancement in frontline care