
Obligation to not mislead or evade diagnosis and to provide sufficient detail (FND, MUS, PPS, ‘dysregulation model’ and Long Covid examples)

Risk generation and unnecessary liability accumulation is commonly exacerbated by low and/or prejudicial standards of communication and/or record keeping in ME/CFS and other post-viral disease contexts. False record taking is commonly experienced in this field. Beyond the statutory contexts, the frequent frontline status quo regularly breaches a range of associated General Medical Council (GMC) and…Continue readingObligation to not mislead or evade diagnosis and to provide sufficient detail (FND, MUS, PPS, ‘dysregulation model’ and Long Covid examples)


Obligation to recognise ME/CFS patient housebound or carer status

House bound status Not accounting for the housebound or bed bound status of a patient when determining treatment or eligibility of a patient can add to or substantiate claims of liability, for resultant harm and financial loss, and/or for discrimination claims. It is extremely common that practitioners / their practices fall foul of these obligations,…Continue readingObligation to recognise ME/CFS patient housebound or carer status


Obligation to recognise ME/CFS mobility limitations

Smear test exampleContinue readingObligation to recognise ME/CFS mobility limitations


Irrelevance of official edicts and officialised redistribution of liabilities to frontline balance sheets (vaccination and NICE guideline examples)

Neither obfuscation, incorrect pronouncement nor under-informed lack of clarity from governmental, regulatory/self-regulatory or other authorities can change the law, terminal frontline legal requirements nor resultant liability profiles. All decision-making is unavoidably limited by requirements of law, with the elevated likelihood of unlawful decision-making in this field similarly prejudicing top-down communication. The structural difference is only…Continue readingIrrelevance of official edicts and officialised redistribution of liabilities to frontline balance sheets (vaccination and NICE guideline examples)


Evaluating duties of care and unmanaged risk exposures

The numbers of people affected by ME/CFS are significant. There are roughly twice as many sufferers as either Crohn’s disease or Lupus, roughly one and half times as many sufferers as HIV/AIDS in the European Union, and similar numbers of sufferers as either multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease. The prevalence rates are significantly greater where…Continue readingEvaluating duties of care and unmanaged risk exposures


Compromised indemnification, insurance cover nullification and liability for lost income

It is of acute risk management importance to note that any officialised obfuscation or encouragement of unlawful outcomes is not accompanied by implicit indemnification for discrimination, breaches of duties of care or other improper acts. This is in addition to reputational risk and accompanying freedom of information risk. Moreoever, lack/incompleteness of central NHS indemnification in…Continue readingCompromised indemnification, insurance cover nullification and liability for lost income


Cyber security alert for research, medical and allied communities working on ME or Long Covid

We strongly advise immediate and ongoing action to secure against live cyber security risks to members of the ME and Long Covid (PASC) research, medical and allied communities. We outline the minimum counter measures that we recommend. This is further to cyber security events that are outlined below, which have been reported to cyber crime…Continue readingCyber security alert for research, medical and allied communities working on ME or Long Covid

News Opinion

DwME Honorary Fellow responds to RCP post

Doctors with M.E. Honorary Fellow, Professor Derek Pheby, has responded to Dr. Nina Muirhead’s article for the Royal College of Physicians, following up her 2019 article. This article comes within Royal College of Physicians initiatives to work with medical specialities to improve care for Long COVID patients. In particular, Dr. Muirhead discusses the recent surge…Continue readingDwME Honorary Fellow responds to RCP post


Royal College of Physicians and DwME on the ME/CFS interest surge

Doctors with M.E. Director, Dr. Nina Muirhead, has written for the Royal College of Physicians in a follow up to her 2019 article. This article comes within Royal College of Physicians initiatives to work with medical specialities to improve care for Long COVID patients. In particular, Dr. Muirhead discusses the recent surge in clinical interest…Continue readingRoyal College of Physicians and DwME on the ME/CFS interest surge

2021 Compliance News NICE 2021 Policy Positions Press Releases

DwME joins call for NICE to maintain scientific process

Further to our position statement on the 2021 NICE guideline update, Doctors with M.E. has joined the call for NICE to ensure that unconsulted changes are not injected, as these would avoid scrutiny by the scientific community. DwME considers the 2021 NICE guideline to be a watershed moment in the history of ME/CFS medical care…Continue readingDwME joins call for NICE to maintain scientific process