The Freedom of Information Act 2000 affords patients, litigants and the scientific community several routes to highlight policy, reveal shortcomings and to enforce lawful clinical and administrative decision-making. It must be noted that the low and/or prejudicial standards of communication and record keeping that are often normalised in this professional field (link) can be revealed…Continue readingFreedom of Information Act risks – flawed clinical judgement, discrimination and education refusal
Freedom of Information Act risks – flawed clinical judgement, discrimination and education refusal
- Post date 23 July 2021
- Categories In Compliance
- Tags BDD, BDS, Bodily distress, breaches, claims management, Clinical judgement, Compliance, compliance risk, Conversion Disorder, Covid, Discrimination, education, expertise risk, FND, Functional, Functional Disorder, GET, Influenza, insurance underwriting, intermediation, Judgement, Law, Liability, Long Covid, Malpractice, ME/CFS, medical failure, medical norm, Medically Unexplained Symptoms, medico-legal, MUS, obligation, occupational health, operational risk, PENE, Persistent Physical Symptoms, PESE, Policy, Post Exertional Malaise, practice management, PSS, PTSD, reinsurance, Research, Risk, Risk management, Somatisation, Somatization, Training, unlawfulness, vaccination, vaccine