
Unlawful clinical judgement (flu and covid vaccination examples)

The law does not allow clinical judgement to be discriminatory or to breach duties of care – a normally uncontroversial statement with an unusual degree of unmanaged consequences for this field of disease. The law does not allow clinical judgement to be discriminatory or to breach duties of care – a normally uncontroversial statement with…Continue readingUnlawful clinical judgement (flu and covid vaccination examples)


Compliance, medico-legal considerations and enforceable obligations

Unmanaged post-viral disease liability, risk exposure and rising pandemic exposure (draft) Compliance obligations for professionals, operational and expertise risks in practice management, social care, occupational health intermediation, insurance underwriting, claims management and reinsurance Summary The role of habitualised unlawful clinical judgement and discrimination that leads to elevated probability of evidentiable malpractice is outlined. Obligations and…Continue readingCompliance, medico-legal considerations and enforceable obligations


Freedom of Information Act risks – flawed clinical judgement, discrimination and education refusal

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 affords patients, litigants and the scientific community several routes to highlight policy, reveal shortcomings and to enforce lawful clinical and administrative decision-making. It must be noted that the low and/or prejudicial standards of communication and record keeping that are often normalised in this professional field (link) can be revealed…Continue readingFreedom of Information Act risks – flawed clinical judgement, discrimination and education refusal


Obligation to procure ME/CFS medical education

Educational materials defined by legally demonstrable scientific consensus are of material legal consequence versus liability for clinical outcomes, breaches of duty of care and relevant statutory and policy discrimination frameworks discussed in this document. This lack of medical education is documented empirically, by the UK National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence and addressed by…Continue readingObligation to procure ME/CFS medical education


Knowledge-gap risk and audit trails (examples plus research-market inefficiencies)

Liability-generation from elevated probability of unlawful clinical and administrative judgement does not only stem from practitioners’ incorrect beliefs regarding disease aetiology (causes) and pathology (symptoms). Practitioners also generate further excess risk from their knowledge gap versus formal ME/CFS and related diagnostic criteria, which offer 1) rigour and ease of diagnosis and 2) risky diagnostic audit…Continue readingKnowledge-gap risk and audit trails (examples plus research-market inefficiencies)


Compromised indemnification, insurance cover nullification and liability for lost income

It is of acute risk management importance to note that any officialised obfuscation or encouragement of unlawful outcomes is not accompanied by implicit indemnification for discrimination, breaches of duties of care or other improper acts. This is in addition to reputational risk and accompanying freedom of information risk. Moreoever, lack/incompleteness of central NHS indemnification in…Continue readingCompromised indemnification, insurance cover nullification and liability for lost income


Cyber security alert for research, medical and allied communities working on ME or Long Covid

We strongly advise immediate and ongoing action to secure against live cyber security risks to members of the ME and Long Covid (PASC) research, medical and allied communities. We outline the minimum counter measures that we recommend. This is further to cyber security events that are outlined below, which have been reported to cyber crime…Continue readingCyber security alert for research, medical and allied communities working on ME or Long Covid

News Opinion

DwME Honorary Fellow responds to RCP post

Doctors with M.E. Honorary Fellow, Professor Derek Pheby, has responded to Dr. Nina Muirhead’s article for the Royal College of Physicians, following up her 2019 article. This article comes within Royal College of Physicians initiatives to work with medical specialities to improve care for Long COVID patients. In particular, Dr. Muirhead discusses the recent surge…Continue readingDwME Honorary Fellow responds to RCP post


Royal College of Physicians and DwME on the ME/CFS interest surge

Doctors with M.E. Director, Dr. Nina Muirhead, has written for the Royal College of Physicians in a follow up to her 2019 article. This article comes within Royal College of Physicians initiatives to work with medical specialities to improve care for Long COVID patients. In particular, Dr. Muirhead discusses the recent surge in clinical interest…Continue readingRoyal College of Physicians and DwME on the ME/CFS interest surge

2021 Compliance News NICE 2021 Policy Positions Press Releases

DwME joins call for NICE to maintain scientific process

Further to our position statement on the 2021 NICE guideline update, Doctors with M.E. has joined the call for NICE to ensure that unconsulted changes are not injected, as these would avoid scrutiny by the scientific community. DwME considers the 2021 NICE guideline to be a watershed moment in the history of ME/CFS medical care…Continue readingDwME joins call for NICE to maintain scientific process